Immersive Electronic Music


Floating Falling by Jack HertzFloating Falling
Part 1: First Steps by m00mPart 1: First Steps
Doppelganger by XauriX XubatniXDoppelganger
Green Noise by Jack HertzGreen Noise


Winter Solstice 2024 by Jack HertzWinter Solstice 2024
Voyageur by XauriX XubatniXVoyageur
WITH by Jack HertzWITH
Pacific Coast Highway by Jack Hertz Pacific Coast Highway
Doorways to the Otherworlds by Jack Hertz Doorways to the Otherworlds
Wavefold VIII by XauriX XubatniXWavefold VIII
Deserts by Jack HertzDeserts
Fogscapes by Jack HertzFogscapes
Forg Ears by XauriX XubatniXForg Ears
Mountains by m00mMountains
Sleeping Trees On Earth: Forests Return by Wolfgang Gsell & Jack HertzSleeping Trees On Earth: Forests Return
Tricking Electrons by Jack HertzTricking Electrons
Greenland by Jack HertzGreenland
PEOX by XuariX XaubatniXPEOX
Eclipse 2024 by Jack HertzEclipse 2024
Solaire by Jack HertzSolaire
Nocturnes, Volume 15 by Jack Hertz & Scott LawlorNocturnes, Volume 15
Pearlescent by Jack HertzPearlescent
Bowed Voltage by XauriX XubatniXBowed Voltage
Journey Into The Inner Being
Pinophyta by Jack HertzPinophyta
Simulacra 7 by Jack HertzSimulacra 7


Musique Dans Le Son by XauriX XubatniXMusique Dans Le Son
Percussion Immersion by Jack HertzPercussion Immersion
Interstellar Clouds by Jack HertzInterstellar Clouds
Wavefold VII by XauriX XubatniXWavefold VII
Into the Eternal Darkness by Jack Hertz & Scott LawlorInto the Eternal Darkness
Scary Sound Effects Record by m00mScary Sound Effects Record
Wavefold VI by XauriX XubatniXWavefold VI
ANKH by Jack HertzANKH
Blue Moon by Jack HertzBlue Moon
Weed Garden by Jack HertzWeed Garden
Simulacra 6 by Jack HertzSimulacra 6
For the Love of the Night by Jack HertzFor the Love of the Night
Illuminated Cumulus by Jack HertzIlluminated Cumulus
Starfish by Jack HertzStarfish
Tomorrow by m00mTomorrow
Currents by Jack HertzCurrents
Radiant by Jack HertzRadiant
Glimmer and Fade by Jack HertzGlimmer and Fade
Not The Read One!  by XauriX XubatniXNot The Read One!
A Star Is Born by Jack HertzA Star Is Born
Simulacra 5 by XauriX XubatniXSimulacra 5
Between Worlds by Jack HertzBetween Worlds
Inviseable by Jack HertzInviseable
Special Language - For Eduard Artemyev by Fabio Keiner & Jack HertzSpecial Language
Dreamtracks by Jack HertzDreamtracks


Moon Gong by Jack HertzMoon Gong
Wavefold V by XauriX XubatniXWavefold V
CC by Jack HertzCC
Alternoia by The New False GodsAlternoia
The Gift of Fire by Anantakara & Jack HertzThe Gift of Fire
Time Jewels by Jack HertzTime Jewels
Wavefold IV by XauriX XubatniXWavefold IV
Baroque Astronaut by Jack HertzBaroque Astronaut
Drones of War by Jack HertzDrones of War
Amalgamation of Influence by XauriX XubatniXAmalgamation of Influence
Lost Detour by mutaHERTZLost Detour
Elements by Jack HertzElements
Wavefold III by XauriX XubatniXWavefold III
Wavefold II by XauriX XubatniXWavefold II
Fire and Ice by Christopher Alvarado & Jack HertzFire and Ice
Eight Dharmapalas by Jack HertzEight Dharmapalas
TORA - Hour of the TigerTORA - Hour of the Tiger
Fire Gods


Immunity from Dissonance by Jack HertzImmunity from Dissonance
Black Sea by Jack HertzBlack Sea
Deep Time by m00mDeep Time
Simulacra 4 by Jack HertzSimulacra 4
Picnic at La Brea by Jack HertzPicnic at La Brea
Speleo by Jack HertzSpeleo
Hell Oh! by XauriX XubatniXHell Oh!
Pacifica by Jack HertzPacifica
Simulacra 3 by Jack HertzSimulacra 3
In the Fog by Jack HertzIn the Fog
Everything is New Until Tomorrow by Jack HertzEverything is New Until Tomorrow
A Ray of Hope for a Better Tomorrow by Jack HertzA Ray of Hope for a Better Tomorrow
Sun Rise by M00mSun Rise
Simulacra 2 by Jack HertzSimulacra 2
Simulacra 1 by Jack HertzSimulacra 1
A Fire Upon The Deep by Jack Hertz and Miguel A. RuizA Fire Upon The Deep
Drive 2 by Jack HertzDrive 2
FM Forrest by Jack HertzFM Forrest
Trains by XauriX XubatniXTrains
783hz by Jack Hertz783hz
Apocalypse: Lifting of the Veil by Jack HertzApocalypse: Lifting of the Veil


Time by Jack HertzTime
Teoton by Jack HertzTeoton
Pumpkin Patch by XauriX XubatniXPumpkin Patch
Beat Hotel by XauriX XubatniXBeat Hotel
Antikythera by Jack HertzAntikythera Mechanism
Microflora by Jack HertzMicroflora
Galactic Gems by Jack HertzGalactic Gems
Artificial by Jack HertzArtificial
His friends called him by telephone by XauriX XubatniXHis friends called him by telephone
Medicine Drones by Jack HertzMedicine Drones
MOD by Jack HertzMOD
Astronauts 4 by Jack HertzAstronauts 4


B-4 by Jack HertzB-4
Blackouts Drones by Jack HertzBlackouts Drones
Out of the Box by XauriX XubatniXOut of the Box
cornucopia by XauriX XubatniXCornucopia
Blackouts by Jack HertzBlackouts
Fogust by Jack HertzFogust
High-Rise Colonizing the Sky by Jack HertzHigh-Rise Colonizing the Sky
Back to the Moon by Jack HertzBack to the Moon
Perpetual Motions by Jack HertzPerpetual Motions
The Wind Speaks to Branches on the Hill  by Jack HertzThe Wind Speaks to Branches on the Hill
Painting The Sea by Jack HertzPainting The Sea


Traveling On Harmonic Terrains by Jack HertzTraveling On Harmonic Terrains
The Lighthouse by m00mThe Lighthouse
Lexicon by Jack HertzLexicon
Blue Dunes by Jack HertzBlue Dunes
Missions to Chantibello by Time SpinnersMissions to Chantibello
Through Corridors Bright by Jack Hertz & William SpiveyThrough Corridors Bright
Begin at the End Half Way Through by Dead City ShamenBegin at the End Half Way Through
Oaxaca by Jack HertzOaxaca
Broken Light by Jack HertzBroken Light
Vibrate Higher by Jack HertzVibrate Higher
The Last Songs of a Dying Tribe by Jack HertzThe Last Songs of a Dying Tribe
m00m by m00mm00m


Ear of God by Jack HertzEar of God
Andromeda Strains by Jack HertzAndromeda Strains
This is the Water by Jack HertzThis is the Water
Journey into the Inner Being by Jack Hertz & Lutz ThunsJourney into the Inner Being
Terra Australis  by Jack Hertz & Micheal MearaTerra Australis
Modulator by Jack HertzModulator
Blue by Jack Hertz & Wolfgang GsellBlue
breathe by Jack HertzBreathe
computer-music by Jack HertzComputer Music
The Great Attractor by Time SpinnersThe Great Attractor
Masks by Eisenlager & Jack HertzMasks
Sleeping Trees on Earth by Jack Hertz & Wolfgang GsellSleeping Trees on Earth


Mechanics of Blue by Jack HertzMechanics of Blue
Fast Rails by m00mFast Rails
Oh my gosh it was you by Jack HertzOh my gosh it was you
Invisible by Jack HertzInvisible
Secret Coves by Jack HertzSecret Coves
Antarctica by Jack HertzAntarctica
The End of Time is One Second From Now by Jack HertzThe End of Time is One Second From Now
End of the Steam Age by m00mEnd of the Steam Age
Windige Turen by Jack Hertz & Christian DoilWindige Turen
Planet Red by Jack HertzPlanet Red
Divina Commedia III : Nine Spheres by Scott Lawlor & Jack HertzDivina Commedia III : Nine Spheres


Five Live by Jack HertzFive Live
Brave New Whirled by The New False GodsBrave New Whirled
Stairway to Heathen by The New False GodsStairway to Heathen
Burning Embers of Stingy Jack by Jack HertzBurning Embers of Stingy Jack
Equator by Jack HertzEquator
Nordular by Jack HertzNordular
Inuksuk by Jack Hertz & MystfiedInuksuk
Mutated_Midnight by Jack HertzMutated_Midnight
Nataraja by Jack HertzNataraja
The Angels Have All Gone Away by MHZThe Angels Have All Gone Away
Unicorn Dreams of Electric People by Jack HertzUnicorn Dreams of Electric People
Divina Commedia II: Seven Terraces by Jack Hertz & Scott LawlorDivina Commedia II: Seven Terraces
Time SpinnersTime Spinners
Mare at Night by Jack HertzMare at Night
Void Where ProhibitedVoid Where Prohibited
The Brand Free Experience by The New False GodsThe Brand Free Experience
Harmonia Macrocosmica by Jack HertzHarmonia Macrocosmica
Sonic Overload by Jack Hertz & Jukka-Pekka KervinenSonic Overload
COAST by Jack Hertz & rizorkestraCOAST
Weed GardenT by Jack HertzWeed Garden


Red Shift by Jack HertzRed Shift
Halloween 2014 by Jack HertzHalloween 2014
Fantastic Planetscapes by mutaHERTZFantastic Planetscapes
Divina Commedia I - Nine Circles by Scott Lawlor & Jack HertzDivina Commedia I
Fog Music 19 by Jack HertzFog Music 19
Ear of God by Jack HertzEar of God
GROK by Jack HertzGROK
Green Mist by Jack HertzGreen Mist
Into the Zone by Jack Hertz & Total ETInto the Zone
Eye of God V by Jack HertzEye of God V
Intercivus Raptus Regina by Jack HertzIntercivus Raptus Regin
Fractal Blend of Primitive Icons and Numbers Stations by Jack Hertz & Zreen ToyzFractal Blend of Primitive Icons and Numbers Stations
Warming Planet by Jack HertzWarming Planet
Venus & Mars by Jack HertzVenus & Mars
Sulfur Winds by Jack HertzSulfur Winds
25 Peaks by Jack Hertz25 Peaks
Luggage Store Gallery Live by Jack HertzLuggage Store Gallery Live


Drive by Jack HertzDrive
Night Songs by Jack HertzNight Songs
Cahokia by Jack HertzCahokia
Revealing the Arcane by Christopher Alvarado & Jack HertzRevealing the Arcane
Into the Eternal Darkness by Jack Hertz & Scott LawlorInto the Eternal Darkness
Computer Music 4 by Jack HertzComputer Music 4
Compilated by Jack HertzCompilated
The Quiet Forest by Jack HertzThe Quiet Forest
Eye of God 4 by Jack HertzEye of God 4
Supermoon by Jack HertzSupermoon
Senescence by Jack HertzSenescence
Dreams of Morocco by Jack HertzDreams of Morocco
Picnic at La Brea by Jack HertzPicnic at La Brea
783hz by Jack Hertz783hz
Eye of God III by Jack HertzEye of God III
Shambhala by Jack HertzShambhala
Complex Silence 34 by Jack HertzComplex Silence 34
Haunting We Will Ghost by Jack HertzHaunting We Will Ghost
Release Me by Jack HertzRelease Me
Wetlands by Jack HertzWetlands
Jaguars and Shamen by Jack HertzJaguars and Shamen
Gilded Skies by Jack HertzGilded Skies


Computer Music III by Jack HertzComputer Music III
Eclipse 2012 by Jack HertzEclipse 2012
Sea Glass by Jack HertzSea Glass
Stratosphere by Jack HertzStratosphere
Secret Life of Trees by Jack HertzSecret Life of Trees
Gamelan Monsoon by Jack HertzGamelan Monsoon
Subaqueous by Jack HertzSubaqueous
Dawns of War by Peter DiPhillips and Jack HertzDawns of War
Cheshire Girls by Jack HertzCheshire Girls
Rain by Jack HertzRain
3 a.m. Times Square by Peter DiPhillips and Jack Hertz3 a.m. Times Square
Eye of God II by Jack HertzEye of God II
Complex Silence 25 by Jack HertzComplex Silence 25
Droneware by Jack HertzDroneware
Earth by Jack HertzEarth
Computer Music II by Jack HertzComputer Music II
Space Drone 2 by Jack HertzSpace Drone 2
Burn by MHZBurn
Green MistGreen Mist
Eclipse by Jack HertzEclipse


Time by Jack HertzTime
Eye of God by Jack HertzEye of God
Space Drone 1 by Jack HertzSpace Drone 1
Computer Music I
to raise the dead by Jack HertzTo Raise The Dead
Gritty TransmutationGritty Transmutation
Black SundayBlack Sunday


Streaming Landscapes by Jack HertzStreaming Landscapes
Tones TimbreDark Destinations

1993 - 1984

Contortedby Jack HertzContorted
Selections 88?-92 by Jack HertzSelections 88-92
Some Things by No-ThingSome Things
[EL004] Alpha Syntauri by Jack HertzAlpha Syntauri
Pointillism by Jack HertzPointillism
Emutated by Jack HertzEmutated
A Thin Drone Silence by Jack HertzA Thin Drone Silence
Tones Timbre by Jack HertzTones Timbre
Music From Distant Days + In The Undertow by Jack HertzMusic From Distant Days
CX5M Demos
by Jack HertzCX5M Demos